8/16 Rattle River Hostel 1895, Carter Dome, Hut breakfast on the way out in the morning. A very smooth final few miles along Rattle river to US-2. Someone left a sofa chair by the trail, where I chilled and chatted with other hikers. Waterqueen had some amazing trail magic, and took my picture for her van's poster project. The hostel had a mixed group of thru hikers and not. At resupply, the store had its card reader down so I had to put back some of my food to pay cash. Played a board game, then crashed.
8/17 camped at 1908, past the whites the trail is noticeably less maintained, 1900 miles!, half day getting out of the hostel hanging out with people zeroing. Did get to pick up more food from the gas station near the post office where I swapped sleeping bags and sent shorts home.
8/18 camped just past Mahoosuc Notch 1919, started with climbing Mt. Success and blue blazing to see a plane crash site. Took a little bit of time finding the AT again afterwards in the fog, and found someone else I knew who was also trying to get back on trail. Waist deep bogs on the ridge, NH/Maine border!, my map calls Mahoosuc notch "a deranged jumble of boulders" and it was certainly that. A mile of the most fun, technical, and challenging climbing I've seen so far. The notch took me an hour and 20, compared to 20-30 for a mile before the whites. Hoping to get going early enough to climb Mahoosuc arm before the predicted storms.
8/19 Camped past the Dunn falls 1937, I had amazing views from Mahoosuc arm and Old Speck. With the distraction of summiting I forgot to check a step with my pole and ended up sinking a leg in bog up to mid-thigh. Took a dip in Old Speck pond to wash off. Met a weekend hiker at Grafton Notch that I had met at carter notch hut. Cloudy traverse of the Baldplates, turning into rain. I set up my tent in the rain and I was warned it would rain all night. I should have called ahead to Andover, as all hostels were full by the time I did call. Shelters were full by 3pm. Hikers really are afraid of the rain.
8/20 The Cabin Hostel 1946, woke up with several slugs all over my tent and belongings. Clear day, after a night of rain. I dried things out partially at the next shelter, and then hiked on out to a trailhead. While riding to the hostel, the hostel's car got a flat so I ended up walking .2 miles to finish the trip. Amazing hostel, full of AT history.
8/21 Sabbath Day Pond Shelter 1963, 24 hours with my phone turned off from leaving the cabin to the next morning. Amazing moss along the trail. Got some trail magic from a group of guys that took a boat over to the trail from across the pond. Sitting on the beach and soaking my feet was amazing at the end of my day.
Hundred-Mile Wilderness, Here I come!
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